Thursday, November 3, 2011

GlacialLight LED Grow Light Series launched on video

Taipei, Taiwan GlacialLight, a division of GlacialTech Inc., a global provider of PC Cooling, Power supplies, power drivers and LED lighting extends an invitation to all business and media partners around the world to visit their new YouTube channel and enjoy a short video, entitled Power-Saving Grow Lights, introducing GlacialLight's Grow Light series. Environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) for mitigation and adaptation are central to mitigating climate change and to increase resilience to climate change impacts. ESTs are able to provide win-win solutions, allowing global economic growth and climate change mitigation to proceed hand in hand. -United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Fact sheet: Why technology is so important GlacialLight's Power-Saving Grow Lights YouTube video educates consumers as to the uses of light for growing plants and explains how power can be saved and emissions reduced by using GlacialLight's Grow Lights, which are designed to emit only blue and red parts of the light spectrum and enhance the photosynthetic capabilities of plants. These specially designed LED lights emit NO UV or IR radiation, due to the very precise nature of their light wavelengths, making them very energy efficient and environmentally friendly. We are so pleased to be able to provide high-quality, low emissions products like the GlacialLight Grow Lights to consumers around the world and be able to increase awareness through the use of new medias. -Carol Chiu ...

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